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Quest for the Lodestars

Current Staking Period:

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Cluster of Poglin lodestars

Party (0/5)

    Party (0/5)

      Party (0/5)

        1 / 1

        How to Party

        Select up to 5 Poglins for a party.

        Adding a Poglin to a party will stake it at the start of the next staking period.

        How to Party

        Party Combos

        Assemble parties with specific members to access rarer Lodestar clusters!

        What are Lodestars?

        Nature LodestarFire LodestarWater LodestarEarth LodestarDark LodestarLightning LodestarAether Lodestar

        Among the most prized relics found in the Dark Forge are the Lodestars. These crystals are charged with the elemental energy of the Bastos, and they can be used in a variety of applications.

        What are Lodestars?

        Cluster Yields

        This table shows the Lodestar distribution of each cluster at 100% yield. This yield rate is determined by the rarity of a party's leader.

        Tip: Rarer clusters require rarer leaders to optimize the yield rate!